TechnologyBlogCase StudiesPress Release
TechnologyBlogCase StudiesPress Release

Revolutionizing the Railway and Road Maintenance Industry with LiDAR Technology

ApoSys is a leading provider of innovative solutions, particularly for the railway and road maintenance industry, and weaves LiDAR technology into them. We offer a robust LiDAR Environmental & Infrastructure Surveying (LES) system that captures geo-referenced LiDAR data, extracts geological features, and provides real-time analysis and reporting. This system can be used for a variety of applications, including nature-disaster warnings, construction planning, and maintenance. With LiDAR and camera technology deployed in the field, the LES system can identify differences and changes in features, provide monitoring signals, and make predictions for future development.

The LES system supports a range of infrastructure and environmental surveying tasks and can be customized for various applications and purposes. It is quick, flexible, and provides real-time updates, making it an efficient and accurate tool for railway and road maintenance. The system can be used to derive railway alignment geometry, perform line-of-sight analysis, detect objects within specified clearance profiles, and identify danger objects along the railway. The LES system also supports component integrity inspections, including wind turbine blade and printed circuit board inspections.

Particularly in the railway industry, LiDAR is an integral part of our Railway Infrastructure Monitoring Framework (RIMF). We install high-frequency, high-definition LiDAR-based sensors on our Autonomous Track Measurement Unit (ATMU), which allows us to predict the condition trend of the railway infrastructure and improve its security, robustness, and overall safety. Portable and scalable to any level of the transportation system, the data collected from the ATMU is processed in real-time and enables predictive maintenance at the railway network level. This reduces the cost and time required for maintenance and improves the overall efficiency and security of the railway network. LiDAR is also used similarly for our Road Network Monitoring Framework (RNMF). 

LiDAR technology is extremely versatile, and is also applied in the automotive industry as a LiDAR-based Vehicle Navigation (LVN) system. By providing real-time data and analysis, LVN has the ability to detect and avoid obstacles, and make informed decisions for safe navigation. With object-recognition, machine-vision, and deep-learning technology, the LVN system can navigate safely through complex environments, detect and avoid obstacles, and provide real-time data processing for dynamic obstacle avoidance and route planning. It has a lot of potential in improving vehicle safety and assisting in autonomous navigation.

At ApoSys, we strive to harness the full potential of LiDAR technology to help our clients tackle the challenges of the railway and road maintenance industry. Whether you need to assess the vulnerability of shorelines, inspect wind turbine blades, or navigate your vehicles through unknown environments, our LiDAR-based solutions can help. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you make the most of this powerful technology.